A new perspective in pain management and opioid withdrawal relief
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A new perspective in pain management and opioid withdrawal relief

January 30, 2024

We are proud to share an article in Dagens Industri about our groundbreaking work with PN6047. Our promising drug candidate not only has the potential to revolutionise pain relief but has also caught the attention of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) for its role in opioid withdrawal treatment.

Per von Mentzer, our CEO, states: "Our work with PN6047 could open new paths in pain relief. Particularly in neuropathic pain, our research could lead to new insights and novel treatment approaches in various clinical areas."

PN6047, a selective DORA, offers a new perspective on both pain management and opioid withdrawal treatment. The results from the Phase I study show promising safety and tolerance, paving the way for further studies on its effects on opioid withdrawal syndrome.

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A new perspective in pain management and opioid withdrawal relief

January 30, 2024

We are proud to share an article in Dagens Industri about our groundbreaking work with PN6047. Our promising drug candidate not only has the potential to revolutionise pain relief but has also caught the attention of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) for its role in opioid withdrawal treatment.

Per von Mentzer, our CEO, states: "Our work with PN6047 could open new paths in pain relief. Particularly in neuropathic pain, our research could lead to new insights and novel treatment approaches in various clinical areas."

PN6047, a selective DORA, offers a new perspective on both pain management and opioid withdrawal treatment. The results from the Phase I study show promising safety and tolerance, paving the way for further studies on its effects on opioid withdrawal syndrome.


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